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Information about Feuerbach

Feuerbach Wappen

Feuerbach has, just like Bad Cannstadt, a speaking coat of arms. Feuerbach was first mentioned in 1075 under the name of “Biberbach” (beaver stream), therefore the beaver. The cog wheel creates the link to the present – it is a symbol for the industry area of Feuerbach. Like Birkach, Feuerbach was, back then still under the old name, sold to the old monastery of Bebenhausen in the 13th century. It wasn’t until 1585 that the name Feuerbach appears, back then it belonged to the house of Württemberg. In 1857 the first factory was created and the rural community, which lived off agriculture and wine-growing, developed into a fast growing industrial area which was suburbanised on the 1st May 1933. The construction of the BASF and Robert Bosch GmbH plants created the need for new housing space and all around Feuerbach new housing and industrial areas emerged. As the infrastructure adapted seamlessly to the changing conditions, Feuerbach today has the appearance of an independent small town. Not only the industry appeciates the location, Feuerbach is also popular as a residential area. For not only do you have local recreation areas such as the Feuerbacher Tal and the nature conservation area at the Lemberg mountain in your immediate vicinity, the centre of Stuttgart is also easily accessible. Historically important are the city church of St. Mauritius in Feuerbach which dates back to the Middle Ages, as well as the hallstattzeitliche Befestigung on the Lemberg. Private links about Feuerbach.


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